npi electronic ISO-STIM-II
npi electronic ISO-STIM-II
npi electronics ISO STIM II

npi electronic ISO-STIM-II

The ISO-STIM-II isolated stimulator unit is designed for application of extracellular stimuli, for example, in brain slices or in-vivo

In contrast to other stimulus isolators the ISO-STIM-II is available either with AC power supply or batteries, you can choose.

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Product benefits

Power options

Choose your desired voltage range and supply source, with battery or AC power supply (for up to 100 V).

Multiple control and timing options

Choose from various different control and timing options; direct , analog, TTL timed or TTL gated.

Bipolar output

Choose between voltage output, current output or both.

Additional information

With the ISO-STIM-II, you can:

  • choose your desired voltage range and supply source
  • choose from various different control and timing options
  • choose between voltage output, current output or both

The output signal is optically isolated from ground and can either be a constant voltage up to ±100 V or a constant current up to ±10 mA (other ranges available: ±20 V, ±40 V). The device is available with built-in timing unit with adjustable pulse length, amplitude and polarity and also allows external control, e.g. from a data acquisition system. The ISO-STIM-II is available with bipolar stimulus with adjustable delay between positive and negative part of the pulse (0-500µs). The initial stimulus is followed by a pulse that has the same amplitude and length as the first pulse but reverse polarity. The time between the two pulses can be set with the InterPhaseGap (IPG) control

The ISO-STIM is also available as module for the EPMS-07 system.

Power Supply

  • Choose the best suitable power source for your experiment
  • Battery or AC power supply (for up to ±100 V)
  • Ranges: ±20 V, ±40 V, ±100 V with max. 10 mA (other voltage or current ranges available on request)
  • Bipolar output: current or voltage or both

Further information

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