RWD Stereotaxic Frame
RWD Stereotaxic Frame
RWD Stereotaxic Frame 1
RWD Stereotaxic Frame 2
RWD Stereotaxic Frame and IVM Triple
Thermostar Temperature Controller

RWD Stereotaxic Frame

Customisable stereotaxic frame perfect for in vivo recordings

Coupled with the Scientifica IVM Triple or the Scientifica IVM Single, this stereotaxic instrument provides a stable base for performing in vivo recordings. Customise the instrument to your experimental needs with the different product configuration options. Maintain your sample's temperature by using the included ThermoStar Homeothermic Monitoring System for optimal long-term recordings.

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Product benefits

Precise control

The stable stereotaxic base plate, coupled with the Scientifica IVM's precision, means you can hit your precise target every time and access the brain region you are interested in.

Perform long-term experiments

The high stability of the design ensures you can maintain position in the brain for reliable, long-term recordings.

Easily customise to your experimental needs

You can use the stereotaxic base plate with Scientifica’s triple axes motorised manipulator, for complete precision in all three axes. For a more cost-effective option, you can use the stereotaxic frame manual manipulator with the Scientifica single axis motorised manipulator, for precision in the important Z axis.

Reduce your set up time

Syringe pumps, micro cameras and drills can be coupled to the stereotaxic frame manual manipulator, reducing the need for separate surgical set-ups.

Know your co-ordinate positions

Position co-ordinates can be viewed using Scientifica’s LinLab software, or the digital read-out from the stereotaxic frame display pad.

Speak to one of our experts for details on pricing, features, installation and support.

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