Scientifica HoloStim-3D | SLM Module for Multiphoton Photostimulation Technical Data
Scientifica HoloStim-3D

Scientifica HoloStim-3D

Example Data

Fig. 1. (a) HoloStim-3D targeted cells within a mouse brain, with cells transfected via viral vector, and expressing GCaMP-6S and C1V1 for photostimulation. In the total FOV (745 μm), 100 cells were selected within an area of 450 μm and targeted for photostimulation with a spiral spot of approximately 6 mW/cell. (b) Each cell is identified with the target label and the corresponding activity observing during imaging with the resonant scanning mirror is shown in the line plots in Fig. 1c,d. Simultaneous photostimulation of each cell was activated 10 times following a 10 s lead-in over a total time of 110 seconds. The photostimulation was activated for 250 μs and the power was controlled via software control connected to a total power control (TPC) module onboard the Amplitude Satsuma (20 W output). Data acquired by Kelly Sakaki (Scientifica), Robert Lees and Adam Packer (both University of Oxford).

Fig. 2. Using most of the same conditions as the results seen in Fig. 1(a-d), the SLM targeted cells within a mouse brain, with cells transfected via viral vector, and expressing GCaMP-6S and C1V1 for photostimulation. In this example, 21 cells were selected within an area of 250 μm and targeted for photostimulation with a spiral spot of approximately 6 mW/cell. Data captured in-vivo using Scientifica's HyperScope RGG-GG multiphoton imaging system with HoloStim-3D and a 16x objective. Data acquired by Kelly Sakaki (Scientifica), Robert Lees and Adam Packer (both University of Oxford).

Fig. 3: All-optical interrogation of neural circuits: neurons are stimulated by multiple beamlets that draw spirals over the soma. Activated neurons generate action potentials.

Standard System

We can customise this system to suit your unique experimental needs. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

1 x Scientifica Filter Cube Module

A compact, flexible and efficient epifluorescence illuminator, optimised for use with LED light engines.

Wavelength range

  • Standard: 920 - 1064nm
  • Optional: (700 - 1100 nm with alternative mirror set up for low energy lasers)

Field of view

  • 16x objective: 725 x 725 microns

Stimulation Point Resolution

  • HyperScope: <2.5 microns lateral
  • VistaScope: < 1.0 micron lateral and <5 micron axial


  • Response time: 3.4ms
  • Array size: 17.4 x 17.4 mm
  • Array resolution: 1024 x 1024 pixels

Size of holographic field

  • : 450 micron (full efficiency for stimulation) to 725 micron (limit of light projection)

Accessible stimulation field (SLM + Galvos)

  • : Full galvo FOV on both HyperScope and VistaScope

Maximum input power (W)

  • : 20 W

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