Scientifica Movable Top Plate (MTP)
Scientifica Movable Top Plate (MTP)
Scientifica Movable Top Plate (MTP) perfect for combining in vitro electrophysiology and multiphoton imaging research
Scientifica Movable Top Plate (MTP)

Scientifica Movable Top Plate (MTP)

Versatile manual translation stage perfect for combining in vitro electrophysiology and multiphoton imaging research

The MTP provides a spacious mounting surface for your micromanipulators and other research equipment. Its super-smooth movement in X and Y travel of 25 mm, enables confident sample movement while maintaining patched cells for long-term patch clamp recordings.

Designed to seamlessly integrate with all major upright microscopes and featuring an integrated sample plate holder, the MTP is the ideal addition to your electrophysiology and multiphoton setup.

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Product benefits

Preserve patched cells during exploration

Preserve patched cells while exploring new areas of interest within your sample, due to the super-smooth motion of the XY stage. This will ensure successful data capture.

Combine electrophysiology and imaging perfectly with the MTP

Your microscope and laser inputs remain aligned, and you have the freedom to effortlessly move your sample and manipulators in the X and Y axes.

Suitable for most upright scopes

Whichever microscope you are using, the adjustable leg height, and spacious design means that the MTP will suit most available upright microscope designs.

Confidence in long-term experiments

Experience the ultra-stability of the mounting platform, providing you with the confidence to perform reliable long-term patch clamp and imaging experiments.

Versatile and reliable large mounting plate

The MTP offers a spacious and reliable mounting platform capable of supporting multiple equipment without compromising movement. With its flexibility, you have complete control over your experiment setup.

Explore your entire sample

The MTP provides 25 mm travel in the X and Y axes, granting you complete access to explore and research your desired area.

Easy integration with your microscope

The MTP seamlessly integrates with major upright microscope manufacturers like Nikon, Olympus, Leica, and Zeiss. Save time and effort by easily incorporating the mounting stage into your existing setup.

Achieve precise positioning for patch clamp experiments

The MTP provides 25mm of smooth movement in the X and Y axes, enabling precise cell positioning even with manual control.

Achieve your perfect setup

With the MTP's movable manipulator carriages, effortlessly reposition your manipulators and equipment on the platform. Mount up to 7 carriages in various positions for flexible and tailored patch clamp setups.


"The combination of the PatchStar and Movable Top Plate ensures a robust base for micro-electrode handling whilst providing good access to other equipment, such as perfusion systems"

Dr. Rob Roelfsema
University of Würzburg


Download the Movable Top Plate (MTP) brochure for more information.

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