Scientifica VistaScope Technical Data
Scientifica VistaScope

Scientifica VistaScope

Example Data

The image shows a 1.8mm square region of mouse somatosensory cortex, layer II/III expressing GCaMP6s.

Over the industry leading FOV of 1.8mm (with a 16x objective), the VistaScope has less than 10% variance in fluorescence intensity (typical: < 5% drop to the edges)

Image captured at the CSHL imaging courses 2023 using the VistaScope

Image captured at the 2023 CSHL Spring imaging courses using the VistaScope: Brain and brain stem of Xenopus laevis stained for tubelin and nestin. Acquired with the Coherent Axon 920 Laser.

Image captured at the CSHL imaging courses 2023 using the VistaScope

Image captured at the 2023 CSHL imaging courses using the VistaScope: Multicileated cells inside Xenopus. Acquired with the Coherent Axon 920 Laser.

Image captured at the CSHL imaging courses 2023 using the VistaScope

Image captured at the 2023 CSHL imaging courses using the VistaScope: Imaging fluorescent green beads deep with a dispersive sample. Acquired with the Coherent Axon 920 Laser.

Images captured at the 2023 CSHL imaging courses using the VistaScope: Raquel Lopez de Boer, CASE Western Reserve University, is demonstrating the output of the tiling function and images collected from a P7 mouse spinal cord (cervical, GFAP) in search of astrocytes.

Images captured at the 2023 CSHL imaging courses using the VistaScope: Raquel Lopez de Boer, CASE Western Reserve University, is demonstrating the output of the tiling function and images collected from a P7 mouse spinal cord (cervical, GFAP) in search of astrocytes. Acquired with the Coherent Axon 920 Laser.

Standard System

We can customise this system to suit your unique experimental needs. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

1 x Detection unit

Choose from the MDU or MDU XL

1 x VistaScope scan head

Configured as GG, RG or RGG scan paths


  • Field Number: FN40
  • Wavelength range: 700 - 1700 nm
  • Fluorescence homogeneity: <10% intensity roll-off over full field

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