Scientifica SliceScope Pro 3000 Electrophysiology Rig Technical Data
Scientifica SliceScope Pro 3000

Scientifica SliceScope Pro 3000

Standard System

We can customise this system to suit your unique experimental needs. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

1 x Scientifica SliceScope

Slimline fully motorised microscope

2 x Scientifica Micromanipulators

Choose from Scientifica PatchStars or MicroStars

1 x Motorised Movable Top Plate

25 mm XY movement, 20 nm resolution

2 x Scientifica Control Options

Choose from the Scientifica PatchPad or Control Cube

1 x Scientifica Slice Recording Chamber Kit

Recording chamber & perfusion tools

Research Papers

  • ATP P2X receptors downregulate AMPA receptor trafficking and postsynaptic efficacy in hippocampal neurons

    Pougnet, J. T., Toulme, E., Martinez, A., Choquet, D., Hosy, E., & Boué-Grabot, E. (2014). ATP P2X Receptors Downregulate AMPA Receptor Trafficking and Postsynaptic Efficacy in Hippocampal Neurons. Neuron, 83(2), 417–430.

  • Roles of ON cone bipolar cell subtypes in temporal coding in the mouse retina

    Ichinose, T., Fyk-Kolodziej, B., & Cohn, J. (2014). Roles of ON Cone Bipolar Cell Subtypes in Temporal Coding in the Mouse Retina. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(26), 8761–8771.

  • Marking cells with infrared fluorescent proteins to preserve photoresponsiveness in the retina

    Fyk-Kolodziej, B., Hellmer, C. B., & Ichinose, T. (2014). Marking cells with infrared fluorescent proteins to preserve photoresponsiveness in the retina. BioTechniques, 57(5), 245–253.

  • Knockout of Slo2.2 enhances itch, abolishes KNa current, and increases action potential firing frequency in DRG neurons

    Martinez-Espinosa, P. L., Wu, J., Yang, C., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Zhou, H., Liang, H., Xia, X. M., & Lingle, C. J. (2015). Knockout of Slo2.2 enhances itch, abolishes KNa current, and increases action potential firing frequency in DRG neurons. eLife, 4.

  • PatcherBot: a single-cell electrophysiology robot for adherent cells and brain slices

    Kolb, I., Landry, C. R., Yip, M. C., Lewallen, C. F., Stoy, W. A., Lee, J., Felouzis, A., Yang, B., Boyden, E. S., Rozell, C. J., & Forest, C. R. (2019). PatcherBot: a single-cell electrophysiology robot for adherent cells and brain slices. Journal of Neural Engineering, 16(4), 046003.

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