Quality Policy
Scientifica Ltd. designs, manufactures, and supplies technical scientific equipment to the Academic and Pharmaceutical communities, facilitating cutting edge research within the fields of Neuroscience and the broader Life Sciences.
Our Quality Policy enables us to satisfy the expectations of all customers by providing innovative products and reliable services. We aim to be the most trusted supplier in our market and supply our customers with class leading solutions for Electrophysiology based research techniques.
Success will lead to the sustained and profitable growth of Scientifica and improvement of scientific research around the world.
This level of quality can be achieved by all team members maintaining high standards, seeking improvement, supporting external and internal customers, and taking responsibility for all our activities.
Each member of the Senior Leadership Team is committed to continually improving the effectiveness of the company’s QMS and supporting processes, ownership and overall responsibility resides with the Managing Director.
The key objectives for the Scientifica Quality Management System are:
• To meet the expectations and create excellent experiences for all customers, thereby enhancing our global reputation
• To ensure compliance with relevant regulatory, statutory, and commercial requirements
• To maintain an effective Quality Management system complying with the International standards BS EN ISO 9001:2015 and all applicable regulatory controls