5 sessions for Early Career Scientists to attend from SfN 2019
Here's picked our top five Professional Development Workshops that were held during the 2019 Society for Neuroscience conference that would be useful if you are a student or a scientist in the early stages of your career.
From writing grant applications to building a career in or out of academia, we think that these workshops cover essential skills for a successful career in science.
Preparing for Your Career Away From the Bench: Essential Skills for Navigating Your Career Transition
Organiser: Annette C. Gray, PhD
Saturday 19th October 2019, 9:00 – 11:00am, Room N227
Breaking into a new career path is challenging, particularly for those looking to make a move away from the bench. This workshop will discuss important skills to help you learn how to find your career path, make the transition, and grow throughout your career. Through a panel discussion and smaller group interactions, participants will learn about skills such as gaining relevant experience, developing and communicating your own brand, and practicing the art of negotiation.
How to Thrive as a Woman in Neuroscience
Organiser: Melissa A. Harrington, PhD
Saturday 19th October 2019, 3:00 – 5:00pm, Room N228
This workshop will feature a panel of diverse women speakers from a variety of backgrounds and career stages, and will focus on how women can be successful in their neuroscience careers. The panelists will speak from experience about dealing with the major obstacles that undermine the success of women including: bias (both implicit and explicit), marginalization within organizations, imposter syndrome and discomfort with competitive environments, balancing work and family, and childcare.
Becoming a Resilient Scientist
Organiser: Janet A. Clark, PhD
Sunday 20th October 2019, 12:00 – 2:00pm, Room N227
Resilience is important in navigating your career in science. In this interactive workshop, we will discuss attitudes and behaviors that can get in our way and explore strategies for building resilience, dealing with self-doubt, and developing our confidence.The workshop will highlight the emotional intelligence competencies needed for success in research and healthcare careers and will provide insights into approaches for developing these competencies as part of your training experience.
The Art of Building a Career
Organiser: Martha I. Davila-Garcia, PhD
Monday 21st October 2019, 9:00 – 11:00am, Room N228
We all have the potential to build a productive scientific career. During this workshop, a panel of speakers from around the world will discuss the following five fundamental principles for building a successful career: (1) Be reflective about where you want to go; (2) Be proactive and prepared for what is coming; (3) Be ready to self-promote; (4) Be willing to adapt, change, and modify your goals based on challenges and opportunities; (5) Be collaborative, get a mentor, and build a network.
Optimize Your Grant Application: News You Can Use From the NIH
Organiser: Bruce Reed, PhD
Monday 21st October, 12:oo – 2:00pm. Room N228
The purpose of this workshop is to help new investigators improve their funding chances. Representatives of the NIH Center for Scientific Review will discuss navigating review, what reviewers look for, and new things NIH is asking reviewers to focus on. Senior staff at NINDS, NIA, NIMH, and NIDA will discuss funding opportunities and priorities for their institutes and offer their perspectives on what contributes to early career success. People from all career stages are welcome, but the program is directed at early stage investigators.
For more resources, visit our Neurowire blog where you can get advice on how to write your first research grant application, presenting your scientific poster at a conference and more!
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