Scientifica Meets - Alix Battison, from CSHL Advanced Techniques in Molecular Neuroscience course
Alix Battison, Co-instructor, CSHL ATMN course

Scientifica Meets - Alix Battison, from CSHL Advanced Techniques in Molecular Neuroscience course

Scientifica had the pleasure of catching up with Alix Battison, a post-doc at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and co-instructor of their Advanced Techniques in Molecular Neuroscience (ATMN) summer course.

Alix talks about the structure and curriculum of the course, a key component of which is multiphoton imaging, supported by Scientifica's award-winning VistaScope and Holostim.

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"We are very appreciative and fortunate that Scientifica provides the system for the course and the students immensely benefit from having this multiphoton training as a component of the course."

Alix Battison, Co-instructor, CSHL
Advanced Techniques in Molecular Neuroscience course

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