Scientifica VistaScope at the Schröder Lab, University of Sussex
Uncover how our latest multiphoton system, the Scientifica VistaScope, has been helping Dr Sylvia Schröder and her team understand how behaviour influences visual processing in the early visual system.
Dr Sylvia Schröder and Dr Liad Baruchin, University of Sussex, discuss their research using the VistaScope
About the lab
The Schröder Lab's goal is to understand how behaviour influences visual processing in the early visual system, including the retina and the superior colliculus. Their research focuses on two areas:
- Understanding how the processing of visual information improves when information about behaviour and internal state is integrated in this processing. For example, does the integration of vision and behaviour help the animal make better decisions?
- Understanding which mechanisms underlie the integration of visual and behavioural information in the brain.
Learn more about Dr Schröder and her teams research here